#wrapyourselfinlove and gloves

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Homelessness is everywhere, and it can happen at any time, for many reasons. A loss of job, a divorce, a broken childhood, a broken dream. The more we venture out, the more we see just how easy it can be. 

We meet the most wonderful people when we are out. Characters so full of life, full of gusto. You can’t help but wonder how some of them came to be in the circumstances they are. It makes it all too real that actually it could so easily be us, or you. One choice, one decision, one step in the wrong direction. It really is, quite simply, as easy as that.

The first time we went out, we found it difficult to get people’s attention. They thought there would be no way we would speak to them. The second time we found that word had got round a little, we exchanged pleasantries, they talked a little. This week we found that people were looking forward to seeing us, and were much more relaxed standing and talking to us, sharing stories, some heart breaking, some hopeful. Now they see us as people, just like them. Now they ask our names.

We don’t proclaim to be trying to end homelessness, not by any stretch. We just want to make things easier. We try to put ourselves in their shoes. It’s cold, and it’s windy, winter is grabbing hold with no sense of regard. There are floods in and around our beautiful county, but we can go home, batten down the hatches, protect ourselves and our loved ones to the best of our ability. Imagine being exposed to the ice on the ground, and the chill in the air. When you’re at home, trying to get warm; nice cup of tea and extra thick socks. They’re on the street trying to find a dry patch of ground, blowing into their hands, anything just to make it through another night. In its simplest terms, imagine actually not having a roof over your head. Imagine not having the basic things that we take for granted. And it’s because of this being at the forefront of our minds, that we choose to do this. 

Tonight, one of the guys we met asked us why we do what we are doing. The simple answer is, because we can.

With the twists and turns and turbulent times in our world, we now realise that one small act of kindness can mean so much. There doesn’t have to be a motive. It is possible that love can exist, and be passed on to others. 

Thank you so so much for all the time you’ve taken to sort your belongings and drop them off. Please keep the donations coming. Without you, this project is absolutely nothing. 

If you would like to find out where you can drop donations, please message us via our Facebook page by searching, project winter coat or email us on projectwintercoat@outlook.com

We end tonight with the words of our new pal Lightening, “Too-da-loo”.

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