Never too young to care.


We were delighted to receive a wonderful message from one of our kind supporters and donators.

Carys Morgan had to write a poem at school about what celebration meant to her. What she wrote in the last sentence made her mum think of Project Winter Coat and thought we would like it.

We did more than like it, we loved it! How amazing that a girl at the age of just 10 is tasked to think about celebration, but still has the heart to think of those less fortunate. It doesn’t stop there, she has also taken spare clothes out to the homeless in Leeds.

What a special little girl. We would be mad not to share Carys’ beautiful words.

Thank you so much.

What Celebration means to me
To me celebration is:
Drinks with all their fizz,
Celebration music playing,
Fun is not delaying.

All the late nights and games,
And the high sugar aims,
Mum and Dad with their peroni,
And pizza with hot pepperoni.

Special meals and drinks,
It just fly’s by in a blink,
Families together all around,
McDonald’s wrappings on the ground.

But celebration makes me think,
And that thought makes me sink.
Some people are not happy today
People on the streets with not enough say.

I bet its hard seeing people having fun,
Having no family, no daughter, no son.
They can’t do anything really about it,
Do you think they’re having fun? No I doubt it.

Seeing all the presents, money and warm hats,
And knowing that you will never have all that.
Seeing family laughing all together,
And knowing you don’t have a family. It’s been liken that forever.

And that is why when the music is loud,
I take some time away from the crowd,
To sit and think and wish it was fair,
I wish more people would take more time to talk to them with care.

By Carys Morgan, aged 10